About Club
The Club (represented by Coding Club Ltd, further only referred to as “the Club”) engages children within the context of a range of afterschool activities. We, the Club, are committed to taking the necessary actions to support child safeguarding — actions aligned with this Child Safeguarding Policy, the LEGO Brand Framework, and the children’s rights and business principles. At the Club, we care about the well-being and safety of children and recognize our fundamental duty to care for the children with whom we engage. This Policy is our commitment to safeguarding these children from any form of abuse of their rights or dignity. The Club has a zero-tolerance policy for child abuse in any form. All individuals working for or affiliated with the Club must always treat children decently and respectfully.
Legislative Framework
This policy is developed in compliance with the Children Act 1989 and 2004, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, and local safeguarding children board procedures. The Club will adhere to all appropriate legislation related to child safeguarding and welfare.
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)
The Club designates [Name of the DSL] as the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL). The DSL is responsible for:
- Overseeing the implementation of this policy.
- Ensuring all staff are aware of their safeguarding responsibilities.
- Keeping up-to-date with the latest safeguarding practices and legislation.
Uncollected Child Policy
The Club will endeavour to ensure that all children are collected by a parent or carer at the end of each session. If a child is not collected, and the parent or carer has not notified us of a delay, we will follow the procedure set out below:
Up to 15 Minutes Late
- When the parent or carer arrives, they will be reminded that they must call the school to notify us if they are delayed.
Over 15 Minutes Late
- If a parent or carer is more than 15 minutes late in collecting their child, the Club Leader will try to contact them using the contact details on file.
- If there is no response from the parent or carer, messages will be left requesting that they contact the school immediately. The Club Leader will then try to contact the emergency contacts listed on the child’s registration form.
- While waiting to be collected, the child will be supervised by the Lego club leader or a school employee.
- When the parent or carer arrives, they will be reminded that they must call the Club to notify us if they are delayed.
Over 30 Minutes Late
- If the Club Leader has been unable to contact the child’s parents or carers after 30 minutes, the Club Leader will contact the local Social Care team for advice.
- The child will remain in the care of a Club Leader or a school employee until collected by the parent or carer or until placed in the care of the Social Care team.
- If it is not possible for the child to remain on the school’s premises, a note will be left on the door of the school informing the child’s parent or carer where the child has been taken (e.g., into the care of a safeguarding agency) and leaving a contact number. A further message will be left on the parent or carer’s telephone explaining events.
Managing Persistent Lateness
- The Club Leader will record incidents of late collection and discuss them with the child’s parents or carers. Parents and carers will be reminded that if they persistently collect their child late, they may lose their place at the Club.
Missing Child Policy
At the Club, we are always alert to the possibility that children can go missing during sessions. To minimize the risk of this happening, staff will carry out periodic head counts during the lesson. If a child cannot be located, the following steps will be taken:
- All staff will be informed that the child is missing.
- Staff will conduct a thorough search of the premises and surrounding area.
- After 10 minutes, the police will be informed. The Club Leader will then contact the child’s parents or carers.
- Staff will continue to search for the child while waiting for the police and parents to arrive.
- We will maintain as normal a routine as possible for the rest of the children at the Club.
- The Club Leader will liaise with the police and the child’s parent or carer.
- The incident will be recorded in the Incident Log. A review will be conducted regarding this and any other related incidents, along with relevant policies and procedures. We will identify and implement any necessary changes.
Smoking, Alcohol, and Drugs Policy
- Smoking is not permitted anywhere on the premises, including outside areas. This rule applies to everyone, including staff, people collecting children, or any other visitors. If we discover that a child has cigarettes in their possession while at the school, we will confiscate the cigarettes and notify their parent or carer at the end of the session.
- Anyone who arrives at the school, including parents, staff, or children, clearly under the influence of alcohol will be asked to leave immediately. If they are a member of staff, disciplinary procedures will follow. If we discover that a child has alcohol in their possession while at the school, we will confiscate it and notify their parent or carer at the end of the session. Staff are asked not to bring alcohol onto the school’s premises.
- Anyone who arrives at the school clearly under the influence of illegal drugs will be asked to leave immediately. If they are a member of staff, serious disciplinary procedures will follow. If a child is found in possession of illegal drugs, we will inform their parent or carer. If a member of staff is taking prescription drugs that may affect their ability to function effectively, they must inform the Club Leader as soon as possible and seek medical advice. The Club Leader will then complete a risk assessment.
- No member of staff will be allowed to administer medication to a child without the explicit written permission of the parent or carer.
Safeguarding Children
Definition of Child Safeguarding “Child safeguarding” is a broad term used to describe policies, standards, guidelines, and procedures aimed at safeguarding children. It aims to prevent, respond to, and resolve the exploitation, neglect, abuse, and violence experienced by children in all settings.
Scope of the Child Safeguarding Policy The Club strives to provide a positive experience for all children, and they must be treated with dignity and respect. In accordance with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, a child is classed as an individual below the age of 18. This policy covers all children we engage with, including any young people below the age of 18 who work or cooperate with the Club or our partners.
Key Focus Areas
- Physical abuse or ill-treatment — e.g., hitting or shaking a child
- Emotional abuse or ill-treatment — e.g., conveying to a child that he/she is worthless or inadequate
- Neglect — e.g., inadequate care or supervision, leaving a child in a dangerous situation
- Sexual abuse — sexual activity with a child below 18 years or below the age of consent in the country of operation, whether or not the child gives consent
- Commercial or other exploitation — e.g., conducting marketing that misleads children
- Online protection — e.g., inadequate data protection, online bullying, or exposure to inappropriate content or contact
It is mandatory that all Club employees comply with this policy, including paid, unpaid, part-time and full-time employees, volunteers, or interns. It is also mandatory that all Club partners, agency employees, contractors, consultants, and others acting on behalf of the Club comply with this policy. Failure to comply with this policy can lead to disciplinary sanctions. In addition, the Club will comply with all appropriate procedures and applicable legislation. Child abuse is intolerable, and all Club employees and partners are expected to comply with the law. All adults engaged with the Club have an individual responsibility to safeguard children in their job, irrespective of their individual roles.
While the Child Safeguarding Policy defines our overall commitment and expectations, it is our intention that the implementation of the policy is facilitated by the Club implementation plan set out below by gradually developing and working with key partners to establish best practice guidelines. Guidance includes:
- Recruitment processes for screening relevant candidates to prevent unsuitable individuals from working with children within activities related to the Club
- Training for employees who have frequent contact with children, nurturing a child safeguarding culture
- Contractual requirements guiding the behaviour of Club employees so they are aware of and commit to the behaviour expected when they engage with children
- Instruments to monitor and report incidents and document precautions taken
To ensure accountability towards children, the Club continuously strives to integrate child safeguarding into core business. This includes maintaining, implementing, and monitoring performance concerning the commitments of this policy. Even with the most robust mechanisms and procedures in place, incidents may still arise or situations may still create cause for concern. All employees, whether paid or unpaid, are accountable for immediately reporting breaches or suspicions of breaches of this policy to their immediate Club Leader or to the Club Whistleblower Line and, if appropriate, to the national authorities.
Club Child Safeguarding Principles
The Club:
- Is committed to safeguarding children and ensuring that they can experience quality care and nurturing relationships.
- Defines child safeguarding as respecting and safeguarding children and young people from maltreatment, preventing impairment of their health and cognitive, physical, social, and emotional development, and ensuring that children and young people feel safe to play, learn, and grow.
Club Child Safeguarding Guidelines
Club staff, partners, and other individuals representing the Club must:
- Listen, value, and respect all children.
- Talk with children about their rights and how to be safe and feel safe.
- Promote a positive and inclusive environment that fosters children’s participation and leadership.
- Ensure that all children can engage in Club activities, regardless of their circumstances or background.
- Promote and protect children’s privacy and confidentiality.
- Ensure that all children are treated equitably and with dignity and respect.
Code of Conduct
The Club requires all employees to commit to the following guidelines:
- Treat all children with respect.
- Maintain appropriate boundaries with children.
- Act as positive role models for children.
- Avoid physical punishment of any kind.
- Ensure that all interactions with children are safe and appropriate.
- Listen to children and take their concerns seriously.
- Report any concerns about a child’s safety or well-being to the DSL or Club Leader immediately.
Reporting Procedures
If you suspect that a child is being abused, or if a child tells you about an abusive situation, follow these steps:
- Immediate Action: If a child is in immediate danger, call emergency services (999 in the UK) immediately.
- Report to the DSL: After ensuring the immediate safety of the child, report the concern to the DSL as soon as possible.
- Documentation: Document your concern in writing, noting the time, date, and nature of the concern, as well as any observations or comments made by the child.
- Confidentiality: Maintain confidentiality. Do not discuss the matter with anyone except those directly involved in addressing the concern.
Incident Reporting and Record Keeping
- All incidents must be recorded in the Incident Log maintained by the Club Leader. Each log must include:
- Date and time of the incident.
- Details of the incident, including individuals involved.
- Action taken and follow-up required.
- Incident logs must be kept secure and confidential. Access to these records will be restricted to the DSL and designated personnel only.
- Records will be retained for a minimum of five years, or longer if required by local legislation.
Staff Training and Support
- Ongoing Training: All staff will receive initial safeguarding training as part of their induction process and will participate in ongoing safeguarding training at least annually. This will include updates on legislation, best practices, and specific areas of concern, such as online safety and mental health.
- Support for Staff: Staff will have access to support and supervision regarding safeguarding issues. If staff experience distress due to safeguarding concerns, they are encouraged to seek support from the DSL.
Allegations Against Staff
If an allegation is made against a member of staff, the following steps will be taken:
- Immediate Response: The DSL will be informed immediately.
- Investigation: An internal investigation will be conducted, in consultation with local safeguarding authorities, if necessary.
- Support for the Alleged Victim: The child will be supported throughout the investigation process, and their well-being will be prioritized.
- Confidentiality: All allegations will be treated with confidentiality, with details shared only with those directly involved in the investigation.
- Monitoring and Review: The DSL will ensure that appropriate follow-up actions are taken based on the investigation’s outcome.
Parental Involvement and Communication
- Parental Awareness: Parents will be made aware of the safeguarding policy and procedures during enrolment and through regular communication. This may include newsletters, orientation sessions, and open house events.
- Feedback Mechanisms: The Club encourages parental feedback regarding safeguarding practices. Parents can raise concerns or provide suggestions through designated channels, ensuring an open dialogue about child safety.
Child-Centered Approach
- Child Participation: The Club is committed to listening to children and involving them in discussions about their safety and well-being. This includes encouraging them to express their views and concerns.
- Feedback from Children: The Club will implement mechanisms for children to provide feedback about their experiences, allowing them to report concerns and contribute to the Club’s policies.
Additional Safeguarding Measures
- Online Safety: The Club recognizes the importance of online safety. Staff will receive training on recognizing risks related to online interactions, and the Club will implement measures to monitor and guide children’s online activities during sessions.
- Cultural Sensitivity: Staff will be trained to recognize and respect cultural differences, ensuring that safeguarding practices are inclusive and sensitive to the diverse backgrounds of children and families.
Emergency Contact Information
In case of emergencies, the following contacts are available:
- For immediate emergencies where a child is in danger, it’s crucial to call 999. For non-emergency situations, you can contact Hampshire County Council’s Children’s Services at 0300 555 1384 or visit their child protection page for further resources and information: Hampshire County Council – Child Protection(
- Hampshire County Council)(Hampshire SCP).
- If you have any specific issues or need assistance related to mental health, abuse, or exploitation, organizations like the NSPCC and local mental health services are also available to help (Hampshire SCP)..
- FOR POLICE Non-Emergency Situations: For non-emergency inquiries, you can contact the police at 101. This is suitable for reporting crimes that are not in progress or for any general inquiries
- Club DSL: Monika Dzavanova, [email protected]
Physical Intervention
- Definitions and Protocols: Physical intervention will only be used as a last resort to prevent harm to a child or others. Staff must document any use of physical intervention, including the reasons for its use and the outcome.
Policy Review and Monitoring
This safeguarding policy will be reviewed annually or as needed. The DSL will be responsible for monitoring its effectiveness, ensuring that staff are trained, and keeping the policy up to date with current legislation and best practices.
Approval and Signature
This policy has been approved by Monika Dzavanova on 29 September 2024. It will be reviewed on an annual basis or in response to significant changes in legislation or guidance.
This safeguarding policy is a living document, and we are committed to continually improving our practices to ensure the safety and well-being of all children in our care. We will remain vigilant, responsive, and proactive in safeguarding children and promoting a safe, nurturing environment for them.